Just a place for fun vids and comics and articles I find bouncing around the series of tubes that are the internets.

Quote for...until I update it.

"Mildred, what have I told you about standing on the table? That's right, nothing. Because it seems like something that would never need saying under any circumstances." - BadMachinery (www.scarygoround.com/index.php)

Wednesday, September 3


Oh boy. I am not sure whether I am offended, apathetic, angry, or all of the above. Alright, I can see the political motivations for this: fighting his anti-women votes, countering Obama's historic aspect, supporting the current political problems in Alaska, and getting those stray Hillary voters. Some new developments about her interferance in police jobs and getting a person fired as well as all of the pork she brought to places in Alaska show that she goes against McCain's maverick show. She falls on the strict conservative party line and is very, very socially conservative. Some people have said that it is bad that she isn't home with her 5 kids (and she does have a 17 year old pregnant daughter, which they use as evidence that she should stay home). It makes me kinda mad that McCain would pick her (an unknown and not all that helpful Governor who has not worked outside of the state) instead of many other women who are in or were in the House or Senate with more Washington experiance. It makes me madder that he then dares to claim that Obama has less experience than Palin! He record goes against just about everything I take a side on and she seems like a political puppet who will be put behind a desk or in front of cameras and really do nothing so McCain can say he is a maverick and follow the blazed trail. That's all I can think of now. It really bugs me. (By the way, what is with McCain and beauty queens with big eyes who are blonde and kinda scary?)

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The Blogger:

female mechanical engineering and philosophy double-major at a small, Catholic university... no I'm not Catholic. I never beat the pope at arm wrestling...