Just a place for fun vids and comics and articles I find bouncing around the series of tubes that are the internets.

Quote for...until I update it.

"Mildred, what have I told you about standing on the table? That's right, nothing. Because it seems like something that would never need saying under any circumstances." - BadMachinery (www.scarygoround.com/index.php)

Friday, May 16

Pick and Choose

I hate being a female, southern, white college student in this political atmosphere. No matter whom I argue for or against I get flack. If I like Obama it is because I am young and like the change movement. If I argue against Obama I am racist. If I like Hillary, it’s because I am female (and for some because I want to get abortions). If I argue against her it is because I am taken in by the flash and flare of the newer Obama campaign. I am almost ready to scream with all of these ridiculous arguments. At this point, I don’t like either of them.

Obama is too new for my liking and seems a little wet behind the ears to be made president. I don’t even want him to be a majority leader! I have heard his arguments and they sound nice but, like most politicians, he seems to side step some tougher questions and issues and gives very inspirational speeches that when taken apart seem to only say, “Gee. We should make things better. And aren’t those guys up there all stuck in their ways?” The problem I have with his youthfulness in the national political scene is that we don’t know how well he will follow through with some of his campaign promises. I worry that if we do elect him, thinking we will get something “new,” we will all be very disappointed. I think I am the only person who doesn’t see him as anything “new.” He still has lobbyists and everything everyone else has. The only difference is that it takes a great deal for him to attack someone, but that’s okay because he has people to do that for him.

Clinton is set in her ways and okay off politically. I, however, don’t see her time in the White House as training to be president. After going through her senate votes (as well as Obama’s) I agree on her with most things and her service on the Armed Services Committee is very great at this time in our nation’s history. The problem I have is some of her choice in staff and attacks. Granted, she wasn’t expecting to have to fight, but some of the shots she has taken are far below the belt (way *hee-hee*). The tone did become rather bothersome for me because it took away from real issues that I wanted to hear discussed. With the reconcilliary tone she has come to take now, I find it better, but wish she’d used it before this point. Now we get to hear more about issues and John McCain is getting attacked for the ridiculous things he says. (American troops are being welcomed home... well... those we still don’t have there.)

With the turn in the campaigns to the general election, hits on John McCain are growing and people do not like some of the attacks he is leveling against Barak Obama. If the head of the KKK said he wanted McCain to be president people would not say, “John McCain is prejudice and against the rights and solving problems in Sudan.” It doesn’t work either way and he needs to stop saying these things. He sounds like Bush when he swift-boated McCain in 2000. Now he is backing the president and ensuring the cry of duplication of the Bush presidency in his own workings. He is no maverick, he is not a straight talker, and he is a charlatan pulling the wool over the eyes of people looking for security in the future. He is the boy-who-cries-wolf of politicians right now saying that “bearings” evokes age and Obama supports terrorists. If that is so than so does McCain, he even sought the endorsement of a man who said we deserved 9-11. He has lost his “bearings,” as has any person who thinks that people who make more than $200k are the middle class to be helped in the coming presidency. Senator McCain is constantly asking for Olbermann’s one-line, which his campaign has complained about, “Old man yells at cloud!”

1 comment:

Jairus Durnett said...

But McCain was on Saturday night Live. Didn't that completely change your impression of him?

The Blogger:

female mechanical engineering and philosophy double-major at a small, Catholic university... no I'm not Catholic. I never beat the pope at arm wrestling...